Kamis, 30 Juni 2016

Lest running in the morning cause you will get many Benefits of Morning Run

Benefits of Morning Run
Image From: renovit-multivitamin.com

Running in the morning, is very beneficial activity for health. many people doing this only in their spare time, when its holiday or when have no works to do. for people that routine running in the morning very many benefits that can be get and in this article i wanna share it, happy reading.

Benefits Running In The morning

Actually Benefit jog to the body is very diverse, one of which is to strengthen the bone condition.
Activity jog regularly will help you avoid bone loss or osteoporosis.

Thus, your bones will remain strong until Old. This is because when we do a morning run, the bones will become denser and stronger. Benefits of jogging or running other morning was to make your heart healthier. This is because the flow of blood to the heart become more fluent.

With the blood flow, the heart's performance will also be more smoothly. Running in the morning is also very beneficial for immunity immune system becomes better again. Doing a run in the morning will keep us from various diseases. This is because our immune system is more active.

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Running Tips Morning Good And Right

not only  when you in office that has right :) but also when you wanna get benefits of running there are something that you must pay attention at, here they are:

Wear running shoes

In general, we rarely pay attention to a good and comfortable shoes for jogging. As a result, the foot feels so heavy, injury, or retracing less precise. Running shoes are specially created to run. So when you are retracing the movements, you will be supported with an elastic sponge and prevent foot injuries. In addition, generally the soles are flexible, not hard and not hurt your feet.

catch my breath

Set breath it is important to make you not get tired. Create a count of 1-8, and within 1-3 inhale, count to four exhales. Continuing with the count 5-7 to take a deep breath and exhaled 8. The good inhale and exhale through the nose. Lock mouth shut so that you can feel the passage of air through the nose. This will help you not be easy to feel tired, as well as respiratory and heart can train you well.

The position of the foot while jogging

The current position ran the light and make your fatigue is half tiptoe. So here is not the entire sole of your feet should touch the ground, but the tip of the foot. With this run will be lighter and you can not easily tired.

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Minimal run for 45 minutes

Morning run, do not just 10-15 minutes. To do a more effective combustion, then you must run constantly for 45 minutes. Thus, the burning of fat on the body to be effective. The burned area is the most easily fat. So double check your body shrinks after jogging workout 3-4 times.

Relax your feet after a run
Following the run, do not immediately sit or cross-legged. But, bring your legs to walk at least 5-10 minutes. Recharge your energy by drinking enough water. Then bathe in warm water so that the muscles remain relaxed and not surprised.

Here are some of the benefits of regular morning run

hm, like i said before i wanna share the benefits of running in the morning for routine. for you who never run have to read this!!

Benefits of Morning Run to Burn Bad Fat
Image From: steptohealth.com

1. Benefits of Morning Run to Burn Bad Fat

Jogging in the morning can provide additional psychological and physiological benefits, including weight loss. The first exercise in the morning is very effective for burning fat.

This is because after sleeping body in a state of semi-fasting and carbohydrate depleted inventories. Carbohydrates are a source of energy for the body, so that when the supply is depleted, your body will burn fat tissue for fuel during exercise instead.

As long as we kept running at low to moderate intensity, your body will burn fat, especially for fuel, making it effective for weight loss.

In addition, when we sleep the body's metabolism slows down completely. Running in the morning is a great way to start increasing your metabolism. Many studies have proven that people who used to run in the morning on a regular basis have a better metabolic rate.

Read Also:  say NO to BODY ODOR by get Benefits of Basil Leaves

2. Enlarge Muscles

Besides being able to help you lose weight, jogging in the morning can also improve body composition and helps build muscle.

3. Reduce Stress

One benefit of running in the morning is as stress relievers. Why is that ? In the long term can make your mind becomes more relaxed and Relax.

4. Fresh All Day

Running in the morning is also very beneficial for the lungs, the body is filled with fresh air through breathing, thus providing a more healthy life for blood cells in the body. As well as creating a good coordination between the mind and the soul.

A fresh mind will create a mood for the better that will automatically contribute to the improvement of health conditions. As well as body movements involving all the muscles will make blood circulation more smoothly.

Read Also: Awesome This is the Benefits of Earthworm

5. Get Girlfriend or Boyfriend

Running in the morning not only good for your health, but Running in the morning also has benefits for your relationship :p . when you go out for run you will meet new people, new friend, even new boyfriend or girlfriend.

you can ask her/him to run with you, some chit chat will make you run for longer time also give you more time with her/him.

you will have healthy partner if you get her/him while running. it's great, isn't it? lol have good running and healthy partner.

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Similarly, information and tips as well as the benefits of regular morning run, for it immediately do a healthy lifestyle with exercise or jog regularly. Health was not expensive, as long as we can live with balanced pattern. Hopefully with this article can be helpful and useful for all of us.

voilla..Benefits of Jackfruit for Human Health

Image From: static2.businessinsider.com

Jackfruit including fibrous fruit has an aroma and taste very delicious and exotic. The fruit is generally consumed in a number of countries in Asia.

Benefits of Jackfruit is so many because Jackfruit is a type of fruit that is loaded with vitamins and minerals, namely vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B1, calcium, potassium, vitamin B2, iron, zinc and niacin.

Benefits of Jackfruit for Human Health

With the contents of the, I wonder if  jackfruit has benefits that are very useful for human health. What are they?

prevent Anemia

Jackfruit has also been named as the fruit is rich in iron. In addition to the prevention of anemia iron is also able to make the blood circulation in the body to be smooth.

Read Also: Hell Yeah,,Benefits of Beet For Lung Disease

Preventing Heart Disease

According to the study, jackfruit is a fruit rich in potassium content. And as we all know, that potassium is a nutrient that can lower a person's blood pressure so that the risk of heart disease can be suppressed.

Make Vision Better

This fruit contains vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant that is beneficial for vision. This vitamin in Jackfruit also maintains healthy skin and mucous membranes as well as boost the immune system.

Lowering Blood Pressure

Jackfruit is a source of potassium-rich foods, about 300 mg in 100 grams of jackfruit. Potassium is important for the body because it helps keep the body fluids and electrolyte balance in body cells and helps regulate blood pressure, thereby reducing the rustle of the heart and stroke.

Boost Immunity

Jackfruit is an excellent source of vitmain C, a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent colds and infections. Vitamin C helps the proper functioning of the immune system by supporting the function of white blood cells.

preventing Osteoporosis

Jackfruit rich in magnesium. As we know that magnesium is a food substance that is capable of maintaining bone health including osteoporosis.

Increase Energy

Jackfruit is considered as the fruit of power plants because the content of simple sugars such as fructose and sucrose. Eating fruit is made to feel instantly revitalized

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Those are some benefits of Jackfruit that i can share in this article. hope this article give you much informations that you need. thanks for reading.

Hell Yeah,,Benefits of Beet For Lung Disease

Benefits of Beet For Lung Disease
Image From: halosehat.com

Beet is currently being used as an experiment to help care for people with lung disease. Because the fruit beets that juiced can increase oxygen levels in the blood. Increased blood oxygen levels also can alleviate the symptoms that may be experienced by patients with lung disease.

Researchers say the fruit beets have nitrate levels are high enough. Based on that, the researchers believe that the juice of the fruit beets can improve blood oxygen levels in the body.

Read Also:  say NO to BODY ODOR by get Benefits of Basil Leaves

Therefore, the researchers made the menu beet juice as part of the rehabilitation process for patients with obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) chronic.

Since January 2016, the chronic COPD patients given 140 ml beet juice once a week for two months. It is hoped the various symptoms of lung disease in patients, such as difficulty breathing and fatigue, can be reduced.

Syed Husain, experts from Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust, who participated in the study said if the study proved they will make menu to get benefits beet juice as a standard of care in the NHS. Husain was optimistic when caring for patients with lung disease can dilakuakn with simple innovations such as beet juice.

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"We are looking for more innovative ways (to overcome lung disease)," said Husain.

Some of the major hospitals in the United Kingdom also participated in this study. The study, led by the Royal Brompton Hospital has many experts who participated in the study.

While COPD itself is the third largest killer in the UK today. COPD is usually caused by smoking, exposure to chemicals, dust, vapors to air pollution. Fruit beets that have been used as a medicine since the Roman era, believed to have efficacy for blood circulation to the heart and many other health benefits of beets.

say NO to BODY ODOR by get Benefits of Basil Leaves

Benefits of Basil Leaves
Image From: f.tqn.com

Basil is certainly not something that is foreign to us. Moreover, basil also has a very distinctive aroma and is used for vegetables. Besides being used as fresh vegetables, the leaves are also commonly used to mix steamed fish to produce spiced with fragrant aroma and flavor when burned. However, behind the distinctive aroma and the taste is slightly astringent, for the health benefits of basil leaves turned out very much.

Benefits of Basil Leaves for Human Health

This leaves the less favored was rich in nutrients that are essential for the body, including the content of vitamin A in it. In addition, these leaves also contains various minerals essential for the body such as phosphorus, iron, calcium, and magnesium. Other content is also contained in basil is beta-carotene and vitamin C. If you do not already know the benefits of basil leaves, here are some of the health benefits offered by the basil leaves.

Overcome Digestive Problems

Basil leaves have been clinically proven able to relieve some digestive disorders such as diarrhea, constipation, nausea, ulcers, and intestinal worms. If you include people who have indigestion, you can start getting used to consume basil leaves every breakfast. If you do not like, you can also drink boiled water basil.

Fertilize Men

Basil leaves may help prevent infertility, especially in men because basil is rich in arginine substance. The content of these substances are beneficial to strengthen the durability and prolong the lifespan of sperm. For women, basil leaves is beneficial to stimulate the production of the hormones progesterone and estrogen.

Benefits of basil leaves

Eliminate Blackheads on the Face

In addition to health benefits, it also has properties of basil leaves to overcome the problem of facial beauty. To get rid of blackheads with basil leaves, you can pound the basil leaves and make it as a face mask. Once applied on the face, leave on for about 20 minutes. Then, rinse your face thoroughly. Besides efficacious to remove blackheads on the face, the mask basil leaves were also able to make the face become more healthy and bright.

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Smoothing Blood Circulaion

Basil leaves contain minerals magnesium and sineol compound. The content of these substances can help dilate arteries and maintain a stable heart rate so that the flow of blood throughout the body becomes smooth.

Benefits of Basil Leaves to Eliminate Bad Breath and Body Odor
Image From:  i.kinja-img.com

Benefits of Basil Leaves to Eliminate Bad Breath and Body Odor

If you experience a problem of bad breath or body odor, now you do not have to worry anymore because basil leaves has benefits for bad breath or body odor problem. You can consume a minimum of 10 leaves of basil every day on a regular basis. Or you can also replace it with basil leaves drinking boiled water mixed with a little brown sugar. If you do this, surely the problem of bad breath or body odor will quickly disappear.

Curing Heartburn

Basil contains vitamin C and several chemical compounds in the sap of the leaves. These substances turned out to be useful to treat heartburn and ulcers. To get this benefit, you can chew a few leaves of basil consume raw or boiled water basil on a regular basis.

Boost Immune System

Consuming basil leaves every day can help boost our body. In addition because it contains vitamin C, in the basil leaves also there is the content of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is working to stimulate the production of antibodies in the body so your immune system becomes stronger. Besides being able to improve the immune system, beta-carotene can also keep eye health.

Curing Colds

Society is already long past use of basil leaves to overcome flatulence and colds. The trick, mix the juice of basil leaves, sliced ??red onion, and eucalyptus oil. After that, apply the mixture on the back and abdomen.

Counteracting Free Radical

Basil leaves are rich in antioxidants that can fight free radicals caused by pollution and the environment around us. Free radicals increase a person's risk for various diseases so that if the basil leaves can counteract free radicals, then our body will be healthier. Of course, to get the benefits of basil leaves, you can consume as fresh vegetables every day.

Selasa, 28 Juni 2016

Awesome This is the Benefits of Earthworm

Benefits of Earthworm
Image From: interplayuk.com

An animal that is familiar in the ears of the people, the animals are usually found during dig or plow their fields, because the majority of the population has worms in the soil, worms including animals in the category of kingdom Animalia.

At the time of former Egyptian royal assume that earthworms as being sacred, while in Greece itself considers that the worm is referred to as the land of his intestines.

In Indonesia alone, especially in the area of ??Madura, worms become prey to be processed into a natural medicine or herbal medicine is often referred to.

Brief of Earthworm the benefits of earthworms

Many people assume that the worm is a disgusting animal and not much benefit to mankind except to farmers who assist in breaking up and maintain the quality of the soil, in fact many scientists who do research on the worm for more than 50 years, then the results of these studies found that there is a worm in the coelomic fluid which contains approximately 40 different proteins.

Protein owned earthworms have differences in terms of the protection function of the body against mycobacteria, the human immune system is often referred to antibiotics, but the earthworm called with antimicrobials.

What distinguishes the immune system between them that the antimicrobial system of worms are capable of killing microbes without damaging the tissues in the body.

The immune system in earthworms cause bacterial cell cytoplasm die with the outside conditions and cause internal systems of the bacterial cells, and kills the bacteria from within.

While the immune system in the human body damage body tissues to turn certain bacterial microorganisms, therefore, the actual immune system in earthworms more powerful and sophisticated than the antibiotics that have been found to date.

Various Earthworm cultivation

Species on earthworms many kinds, here is the earthworm species commonly used by humans:
  1. Eisenia Feitida
  2. Lumbricus Rubellus
  3. Lumbricus Hortensis
  4. Lumbricus Terristris
  5. Andrei Esenia
  6. Perionyx
  7. Eudrilus Engeniae

Among the types of worms that there are many more types of other unknown type name, but the most commonly used treatment is a human in the world of European earthworm Lumbricus Rubellus manifold.

Content of Earthworm

In the first review was mentioned that the earthworm contains protein, in addition to earthworms also contains amino acids with high enough levels.

Proteins contained earthworm types Rubellus reached about 76%. The more levels compared with the levels of protein in beef and fish protein content of about 50% to 65% in number.

Earthworms including spineless animals or often referred to invertebrate animals. Worm population resides in loose soil and humid temperature.

The protein content of earthworms reached 76%, but it also contains other nutrients that are needed by the body as much as 17% amino acid, carbohydrate 45% and fat and about 1.5% ash.

Efficacy of Earthworm for health

The benefits of earthworms, Efficacy earthworms are not yet widely known by many people, especially for consumption. If it be re-examined on the content contained in worms, that the worms have an immune system that is powerful in killing bacteria without damaging the tissue in her body and contains proteins that have important roles in biological activity in the body, then the following benefits of earthworm good on the human body :

Healing Disease Typhus

Typhus disease is caused by a type of salmonella bacteria from growing in the human digestive tract, earthworms are useful to kill or block the growth of bacteria.

How can consume it with boiled, dried and then dissolved into the ground water or can be brewed with honey.

Benefits of Earthworm to Heal Diarrhea
Image From: getridofmany.com

Benefits of Earthworm to Heal Diarrhea

Diarrheal disease is a disease that is often experienced by everyone, one of the traditional medicine that can cure it is to consume earthworms, diarrhea caused by E. coli and Shigella bacteria which can be brushed by antibacterial contained in the worm.

Launched Blood Circulation

Worm contains an enzyme that can destroy the bad fats in human blood circulatory system, so that the human circulatory system more smoothly, which is why the worm utilized to treat stroke and high blood pressure.

Digestion launched

Earthworms many containing enzymes, seluosa and a catalyst to help the biological activation process that is needed by the body, so earthworms can help the digestive system.

Preventing Fever

Consume earthworms are more effective than using paracetamol to lower fever, this was due to the earthworm extract containing nitrogen that are wet.

Calming Nerves

Worm contains Pheretima very influential on the human nervous system, so that by eating the worms will feel calm and also it is right to treat toothache, headache and rheumatism.

Increase Stamina

Earthworms contains taurine which can increase fat metabolism process and then converted into energy, and also it can be slimming for women who diet.

Earthworm Efficacy for Skin Health

Earthworms greatly be beneficial for skin health, because the worm contains alpha-tocopherol which serves to maintain the elasticity of the skin so that it looks young, the industry is currently using raw material worms are producing cosmetics industry.

Wound Healing

Worm contains arachidonic acid which serves to accelerate the growth of new cells, its function is to replace dead cells become new cells.

Boosting Appetite

Without realizing that the worm contains protein which is present in proteins, enzymes that can help the metabolic processes in the body so that the digestive system running properly and comfortably, the condition of the digestive organs are functioning well will stimulate the urge to diet needed by the body.

Suggestions of Eating Worms

Worms indeed disgusting animal when viewed from its habitat, it is necessary that a good processing before consumption, which must be done first is to clean the bowels worms until clean, then the worm has been cleaned boil.

Water former seethe worm can be made in medicine by mouth while the worm is dried and ground into powder that can then be mixed with coffee or honey about three cups per day.

Currently, there are many drugs that treat worm industry in the form of capsules or liquid, so no need to bother to cultivate it. Keep the patient does not see the treatment process so that the patient does not feel disgusted to consume them.

Hopefully some of these insights can be useful to the reader, if there is less and more shall beg forgiveness, advice for any readers are needed for perfect this article

Pros and Cons About Benefits of Cockroaches

Pros and Cons About Benefits of Cockroaches
Image From: cdn.orkin.com

Pros and Cons About Benefits of Cockroaches Many People Say That Cockroach is a beast that does not have any function in this world and even some that say that cockroaches are not functions that are beneficial to life, and only considered as vermin obscene or disgusting because they live in place Venues were dirty, cockroach Turns contains chemical compounds are potent eradicate germs super (Superbugs).

Pros and Cons About Benefits of Cockroaches

Quoted from the Telegraph, experts from NottinghamUniversity reveal that cockroaches have more health risks than benefits. Recent research at the university prove that they contain compounds lethal to kill bacteria.

Tissue samples taken from the brain and nervous system of the cockroach showed there were at least nine compounds that are toxic or poisonous to the bacteria. The compound was even claimed to be able to kill up to 90 per cent of super bacteria, including Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Escherichia coli.

The bacteria super middle serious threats to the health of the world in general, because the ability to mutate makes it more immune to existing antibiotics that. Whereas the development of new antibiotics is not always easy, because sometimes even endanger the patient's side effects.

Benefits of Cockroaches

But of the nine compounds found in some species of cockroaches and other insects, including grasshoppers, the researchers found no serious side effects for humans. Therefore, these findings are considered to have given new hope in an effort to control the growth and spread of super bacteria.

These findings also improves the image of cockroaches as insects are always identified with the dirty environment. Yet despite living in the trash and sewage, animal cockroach including the most hygienic as diligent self-cleaning as well as cats.

Some studies show that bacteria are far prefer to live in human skin compared to body surface cockroach. Therefore, take food without washing hands is the same slovenly by eating food that had just passed a cockroach.

Even if there are health problems caused by cockroaches, then the most responsible are dung. Some compounds in cockroach feces and urine contain compounds that can trigger allergic reactions for some people, such as skin rashes and other reactions including asthma attacks.

So, Approximately Excess or function of the animal which we consider to be an animal that only has a negative impact on our body turns inside she had a negative impact also have a positive impact is not.